The Brand Story Video Experience

In my last post, I shared about my mentorship experience with Ale.

Beyond the emotional benefits, there was also the benefit of getting to bring about the vision of what I want to create for you-a brand story video that feels like you.

This isn’t a commercial. It’s not a talking head where we go through the basic information.

This is where we go deeper and find the undercurrent of magic running through your everyday life and work.

While in Phoenix with Ale, everything came together for me to finesse a process that felt just as good as the end product.

Here’s what it looks like to work on a Brand Story Film together:

  1. Questionnaire: You’ll have a little bit of homework, but it gets the inspiration flowing and it allows me to learn about you on a deeper level!

  2. Phone calls/Voice messages/Meetings: I love reading your questionnaire answers, but the magic really happens when I can sit and be an empathetic listener. I hear what you’re really trying to say. I see when your face lights up extra bright. I can sense what’s more important to you.

  3. Vision boarding: I use key words from our conversation, and we begin to create the visuals, mood, setting, etc.

  4. Production: We make a video! If you’re comfortable being on camera or recording your voice for an interview, we’ll pull from that. If you’re not, we’ll write a script together. We set scenes that tap in to your /desired feelings and we create a story that feels how you want people to feel when they interact with your brand.

A Brand Story Video Case Study

Here we told the story of a skincare brand, Muse skincare. Liz doesn’t want skincare to be about being afraid of aging or superficial beauty standards. Her passion is taking the magic and healing power of nature and using it to help women care for themselves in meaningful ways.

During her interview, her entire backstory-her why-was about curiosity and exploration. It was about stopping to let all the senses participate in the adventure of interacting with the natural world. And that’s where we took the visuals-using the beauty of the ingredients she uses in her work and her knowledge of her field, but infusing it with the magical moments that nature brings us and the feeling of curiosity, exploration, and the inspiration those bring. I recorded our interview, so I used her own voice to let it add heart to the story.

See the Brand Story Video we created for her:

If you’re looking for a brand story video that feels good and lets you feel confident to show up and be seen by your supporters and community, contact me to get started on this process!

When you receive your video and images, you’re set with a gorgeous jumping off point to keep telling your story from there! But if you need help with the next steps, let’s work on going deeper in to storytelling strategy.