Abbe Fenimore | Studio Ten 25 Content Week

Last year, right before the pandemic made it feel unwise to travel, I squeezed in a trip down to Dallas, Texas to work on a content week with my client turned friend, Abbe Fenimore, owner and interior designer at Studio Ten 25. I met Abbe when she was coming to Arkansas for an install day for one of her clients: AOPi Sorority. I wasn’t sure that there was a story beyond “oh, look how good she is at her job and look at how gorgeous these houses are!” until we sat down and started talking. I then realized how incredibly passionate she was about building a home for her clients.

With the sorority-this wasn’t just a building to bring friends to and have bragging rights about having the prettiest house (though they totally hold the bragging rights). These were much more important spaces. Think about all of the transformation that happens in college: you learn who you are, what you believe, where you want to go and who will go there with you. You experience some of the highest and lowest points, and you come out completely changed by the end. And for these girls, all of this gets to happen in a space that is designed to inspired community, friendship, and ambition through every gorgeous detail.

You can see some of those AOPi homes here:

A majority of my work with her has been traveling around the country working on documenting those houses, but this time we got to focus on her and her more daily work. And the minute I pulled in to Dallas, we got to work. We did your not-so typical headshots. We did home tours. We created small video vignettes for her website and social media about her process, living in Dallas, and designer tips that viewers could apply to their own homes. We hustled, we were definitely tired by the end, but we made some projects that would last Abbe for months!


Abbe's story goes beyond just designing something gorgeous. Her story is about being unapologetically herself, and giving you the freedom to do the same in big and bold ways.

Jessica Whalen